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A Realistic View of What can be Accomplished
At the top of the Restorative Dental World
Unparalleled Work Ethic
Covers Knowledge and Gaps
Real Business Skills


You have inspired me with your limitless amount of energy and drive to push myself out of my comfort zone. Your incredible achievements are awe inspiring, and you truly exemplify the meaning of hard work and innovative thinking! Your empathy and true care for your employees are such an inspiration for me to lead by example.


Scott has inspired me in a number of ways in the short 6-7 years that I have known him, and I’m sure that I could write an essay on this topic!  To sum it up, he has inspired me to often evaluate my current situations both professional and personal and to develop a plan and put action steps in that would better me as a doctor,  husband and father.  Don’t be afraid of change and always focus on the big picture knowing that there will be sacrifices that we all make along the journey.


Dr. Dudley – You have a fantastic energy about you. You have inspired me to push myself to do more to help those around me. If ever I think I cannot give more, you’re a reminder that there is always something else to be done. You never cease to have excitement and drive for finding the next best opportunity for not just yourself, but friends, family, and colleagues. I am very lucky to have gotten to know you over the past couple of months and look forward to picking your brain about life and the dental profession for many years to come!


Scott – You inspire me every time we speak. You are a friend, a gentleman, a man of action, a leader. So great to know you. I know we will always be friends and colleagues.


I met Scott in 2009 when he was putting finishing touches on his new VDC office.  It didn’t take long to realize that he is a visionary who thinks and does bigger than most of us.  I admire his ability to think outside the box, to challenge himself professionally and personally, and to inspire.  Working alongside Scott, I have been able to treat some great cases and learn things about our profession that I would not have learned otherwise.  Thanks brother!


Dr Dudley- You have mentored me as friend, surrogate brother, and a colleague. In working with you for the past 15 years, you have inspired me most through your leadership, enthusiasm, and drive. I sure am going to miss your “Top of the morning soldier!” when I arrive to work and the “Drive home safe” at the close of day:) Thank you for everything Dr Dudley!!!! Best of luck to you and your family.


Dr. Dudley – You have inspired me by setting an example of generosity, enthusiasm, confidence and motivation. Professionally, I have grown a lot because you are always looking for the next level of technique and delivery with emphasis on results. Your positive spirit is always offering guidance and support and that makes the work place a better place to be! All the very best on your new journey!


Dr. D – In the short time we have worked together, you have accomplished a great deal.  It’s awesome to see from a fellow South Jerseyan.  Thanks for being an inspiration!


Scott – I love that you never stop moving. Your positivity infuses those you work with and amplifies whatever project you’re focusing on. You empower people to take ownership in whatever they are working on based on high standards and common goals. A true entrepreneur who leads by example.


Dr Dudley – It’s been an awesome journey working with you. From the moment I met you 12+ years ago I knew there was something special about you. I appreciate all the lessons learned, words of encouragement and the mentoring process. You have inspired me to be better and always look for the best in others. I know there is more to come in the next chapter in your life. There’s no distance in friendship. Wishing you the very best


Scott – You have inspired me to never stop improving on myself and to never settle into easy contentment. I am better for having seen firsthand how much more important leadership is to life and practice than any dental skill.


Dr. Dudley – As you already know, when I first started, I knew nothing about dentistry, now, I know a little more, and for much of it, I have you to thank. Your leadership and example have inspired me and have opened my eyes to new stages of opportunity, strength, and definitely to think outside the box. I am very thankful for all your advice and to call you my boss.


Dudley – I had some of the basic building blocks when I began working with you 3 years ago, but I’m a different dentist and leader than I was when I started working at Elite. I’m grateful for your friendship, patience and leadership, you have made a big impact on so many of us! THANK YOU.


Dr. Dudley – You have been a good friend and a great example of the effect of hard work and a positive attitude.  If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have my house.  I owe you more than I can repay.  Thank you.


Dr. Dudley – You have an innovative approach to dentistry inspiring those around you to continually ask, “how can we do this better” instead of sticking to the status quo. You inspire those around you to look for solutions and improvements to drive all team members towards success. Being able to observe that type of leadership in action has helped me to grow as a leader. You also believe in the people around you, and your confidence in me has helped me to take on new challenges and grow professionally. Thank you!

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